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Organic Reishi, A Long-Lived, Anti-Cancer Mushroom from Asia.

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Update time : 2024-12-30 16:51:30
Organic Reishi, A Long-Lived, Anti-Cancer Mushroom from Asia.
Reishi belongs to the family of Reishi. The Japanese name also indicates its Asian origin, which has been used for a long time in traditional Chinese and Japanese medicine. Therefore, it is its interest in herbal medicine, rather than its edible properties, that has attracted interest in the West for some time.

How to find and identify organic Reishi?
Organic Reishi sometimes grows above ground, but especially on potentially decaying trunks or on semi-buried roots of deciduous and fruit trees, and rarely on conifers. Its development period is from July to November, but it is rarely seen in the wild. However, it is cultivated for medicinal needs.

The cap of organic Reishi has a diameter of 5 to 15 cm and is covered with a reddish-brown to bright red shell, which gives the impression that it is painted wood. Therefore, in Europe, after drying, insect-proofing and painting, it enjoys outstanding aesthetic interest in floral art and interior decoration works. This bean-shaped or kidney-shaped cap fits transversely on a concave cylindrical foot of the same hue and from 5 to 20 cm in height. The flesh is dark brown with a leathery consistency reminiscent of cork, tastes bitter and does not have much smell. Due to the lack of taste, it is not cooked.

What are the health benefits of organic Reishi?
Organic Reishi contains antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, but most importantly, it is rich in polysaccharides (complex carbohydrates), especially beta-glucans, which help increase white blood cells of the immune system and macrophages. Its triterpenoid content is also of particular interest for its anti-inflammatory effect.

If in Asia, organic Reishi (a "longevity mushroom") is considered to have countless qualities that keep a person healthy and increase IQ, then Western herbal medicine recognizes its properties to limit physical and psychological stress by strengthening the organism, by fighting fatigue, curing insomnia and stimulating the immune system.

It also limits high blood pressure and has anti-inflammatory properties. At the vascular level, its antithrombotic properties protect the cardiovascular system, and from the liver point of view, organic Reishi reduces liver diseases, especially blood sugar levels.

Organic Reishi in capsules
Organic Reishi is also used to fight allergies, treat asthma and respiratory diseases.
Regarding cancer, Chinese medicine uses Reishi as an anticancer agent, but no clinical studies have proven its effectiveness so far. On the other hand, it seems to be beneficial as a supplement and companion to cancer treatment, as it can strengthen the immune system and reduce fatigue associated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

How to use organic Reishi?
Organic Reishi is available in different forms: dried mushrooms, capsules, tablets, solid or liquid extracts. In general, the daily dose is 1 to 10 grams of dried mushrooms (see equivalent doses in other presentations) for a period of 3 weeks of treatment, especially in the fall, before facing winter, after seeking the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.
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